

This year starts with very sad news. I had to say goodbye to my beloved Alma yesterday. Cancer has eaten up her lungs and belly. She was born into my hands and she died in my hands. Now she doesn’t have to suffer anymore.

Alma was my once in a lifetime dog, my soulmate. I don’t know if I will ever be able to love a dog again as much as I loved her. She was a certified therapy dog, but she was most of all my own therapy dog. We went through so many ups and downs together and I learned so much from her. Most of all:
Enjoy every moment, Never give up, Love forever!

I am grateful for all the intense memories with her, and that I have her wonderful daughters and grandchildren. They are her legacy and I will keep it up. The eternal cycle of death and life has to go on.

Alma, you are deeply missed. You will forever stay in our hearts.
I am looking forward to see you again when it’s my turn and you will greet me with your wagging tail.


I have finally written and published my first own book. Of course it is about Great Danes 😉 But it’s not a “usual” breed portrait, it’s about one of the most famous and special Great Dane kennels that ever existed, known to all true enthusiasts of the breed:

Die Deutschen Doggen/The Great Danes von Loheland

You can order the book in my Online-Shop, just click on the picture below:


All puppies from my American Classic Cars litter have found their new home now.
I am planning a litter with my harlequin girl Ronja and a very interesting male in spring 2025.
More information coming soon.


My puppies are now 8 weeks old and the merle girl and the black boy have moved out this week. The two harlequin boys are still searching for a new home. They are of course vaccinated, dewormed, chipped and inspected by a veterinary without any remarks. Here are the final photos of my American Classic Car litter:


The two beautiful harlequin boys from my current litter are still searching for their perfect homes. More information here.


My dear girls Ronja and Cookie and all their siblings from my Astrid-Lindgren-litter turn 4 years old today. Happy Birthday to all of them near and far! We took some new pictures of Ronja and Cookie, also together with their mum Alma (7,5 Years).


My “little” boy Hugin is 9 months old today and I took some new pictures of him, also together with his mum Cookie (4 years) and his granny Alma (7,5 years). Hugo, how I call him, develops nicely and has still plenty of time ahead to fill out and mature. He has his own page now: click here!


Lenis puppies are now 2 weeks old and had their first photoshooting. They develop very well. The two beautiful harlequin males are still searching for the perfect home.
More information about this litter and more photos can be found here.


Leni got four beautiful puppies. Two harlequin males, one black male and one merle female. More information about this litter can be found here.


Some new pictures of my beloved Alma at the age of 7,4 years. Soon she is going to be granny again.


Leni is expecting puppies around the 10th of September. More info can be found when clicking on the picture:


And another one of my black beauties visited us today: Ronja’s daughter GaiAlmas Halla (Lexie) out of my Finnish Winter Litter. She is now 17 months old and a very elegant girl.


Hugins sister Munin visited today and my black twins were finally reunited again.
Both are developing nicely. They are out of my Odin’s Ravens litter and almost 7 months old.


Today my little big boy GaiAlmas Hugin turns 6 months old. Actually I didn’t plan to keep him – and there were many who wanted him – but in the end destiny decided that he stays with us and it feels right. Well, I also decided, because I couldn’t sell him in the end, he has just been with us for too long. And he is such a nice boy, both inside and outside. He has a very stable temperament and loves everyone – especially children (got no clue where this comes from, not from me for sure 😜 ) Let’s see what his future brings. He develops nicely and maybe one day he can pass his rare genes to future generations.


Alma (7 years) and her daughter Ronja (3,5 years) went to cardiologist Dr. Clarence Kvart today for their prophylactic heart check (ultrasound + ECG). Both have perfectly healthy hearts. If everything goes well Ronja will be mated in June. More infos coming soon.


My beloved girl Alma and 9 of her siblings turn 7 years old today.


GaiAlmas Hugin and Munin are now 9 weeks old. Munin has already found a perfect home in a co-owner family. For Hugin I am also searching for someone who will be his co-owner, so that he can be used for breeding later on – if he develops well. More information on this litter can be found here.


Cookie’s puppies GaiAlmas Hugin och Munin develop nicely and are now 4 weeks old.


Today I had to let my old girl Gaia go. I discovered a mammatumor on her three weeks ago, which I didn’t want to operate due to her old age. It grew very quickly and opened up last night. Gaia was happy and painfree until the end and peacefully fell asleep in my arms, with her daughter Alma on her side. She is deeply missed and leaves a huge gap.


Cookie gave birth to three puppies. They were all born naturally, but the first puppy, a big fawn male, unfortunately died during the birth process. Now we got one black female and one black male, which develop very well. Also mummy Cookie is doing fine. More info here!


I am expecting a litter around X-Mas out of my fawn girl Cookie and the black male Catapha’s Legacy of Atomic from Finland. More info here!


My girl GaiAlmas Ronja, her sister Pippilotta (Cookie) and the rest of my wonderful colorful Astrid Lindgren litter turns 3 years old today.


My little girl GaiAlmas Leni-Lagertha is turning 2 years today. Happy Birthday also to all her 11 siblings near and far!


Visiting our old home, the lake Chiemsee in Bavaria and its bay “Irschener Winkel”, which gave my first kennel in Germany its name.
(From right to left): Jättiläisen Gaia (9 years 2 months), her daughter Alma vom Irschener Winkel (6 years 3 months) and Alma’s daughters GaiAlmas Ronja (2 years 9 months) and GaiAlmas Leni-Lagertha (22 months)


GaiAlmas Leni-Lagertha was checked by my favourite cardiologist Dr. Killich (CC) in Munich, who I used to visit with my dogs for many years. Her heart is completely healthy and I am planning to mate her in autumn this year. The male will be announced soon.


We are just visiting our old home in Bavaria the first time after 3 years and I organized a meeting for my puppy buyers who live in southern Germany. Altogether 11 dogs – 4 generations – out of all of the five litters I bred until today came and of course mummy, granny and great granny Gaia. It was a fantastic, harmonious day with all danes and people having a lot of fun!


Snapshot of Gaia. When she sees something exciting she can still pose, even at the age of 9 years.


Gaia’s mother Taika (Jättiläisen Bouvardia Albiflora) at the age of 11 years and 4 months, still going strong. (photo: Kati Nieminen)


Jättiläisen Gaia, the mother, grandmother and great grandmother of my dogs, is celebrating her 9th birthday today in good health.


Three generations went to the heart check together to the renowned cardiologist Dr. Clarence Kvart. The result of auscultation, EKG and ultrasound is that Jättiläisen Gaia (almost 9 years old), her daughter Alma vom Irschener Winkel (6 years old) and Alma’s daughter GaiAlmas Pippilotta (2,5 years old) are perfectly healthy.


My dear girl Alma turns 6 years old today. She is in peak form, a bit whiter but not really wiser 😉
All puppies from the Finnish Winter Litter have found a new perfect home now and start to move out soon. Here some more pictures of them at the age of almost 8 weeks.


Leni-Lagertha was X-rayed on Monday and got the official results ED 0 and HD B. I also took some pictures of this 18 months old “lady” two weeks ago in the snow.


The puppies are now 4 weeks old and develop very well. The merle girl Kuura is still searching for a new home. You find more information on the litters’ page.


Alma (almost 6 years) with her daughter GaiAlmas Leni-Lagertha


Ronja gave birth to three beautiful puppies. One harlequin male, one merle female and one black female. All puppies are reserved.
I am planning another litter with my fawn girl Cookie this summer, so if you are interested in a puppy from my kennel you are welcome to contact me.


Today it has been confirmed by ultrasound that Ronja is expecting puppies in the middle of February. More information about the litter can be found here:
Litter Plans


New Litter Plans:


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