My Danes

living with me

Alma vom Irschener Winkel

born: 08.04.2017
HD-A, ED-0, Spine: OK, Heart: OK (4/2024)
Jättiläisen Gaia x Brendan von Tir Na Nogh

Alma is my planned and beloved child from Gaia’s first litter. She is tall and well-balanced and has an excellent harlequin color. Alma loves all humans and is a certified therapy dog. She is both a clown and a drama queen and it is very difficult to be angry at her. Alma is the mother of my Astrid Lindgren and Vikings litter and now retired.

GaiAlmas Ronja

born: 07.10.2020
HD-A, ED-0, Heart: OK (4/2024)
Alma vom Irschener Winkel x Yukon Perasperaadastra

Ronja is out of Alma’s first litter. She is a very tall and athletic female. Ronja is a rather dark harlequin, at least on her left side. She is friendly and easy to train and always wants to please. She is agile and can be very active, but in the next moment relax very quickly. Ronja is the mother of my Finnish Winter Litter.

GaiAlmas Leni-Lagertha

born: 03.09.2021
HD-B, ED-0, Heart: OK (7/2024)
Alma vom Irschener Winkel x Great Bel’s Nairobi

Leni is out of Alma’s second litter. She is a medium-sized, compact female with an excellent harlequin color. She is curious and friendly, but can also be very stubborn, so she cost me quite some nerves as a youngster. But we trained a lot and she actually became a little swot. Leni is health-tested now and perfectly fit for breeding.

GaiAlmas Hugin

born: 27.12.2023
not health tested yet
GaiAlmas Pippilotta x Catapha’s Legacy of Atomic

Actually I didn’t plan to keep Hugin – and there were many who wanted him – but in the end destiny decided that he stays with us and it feels right. And he is such a nice boy, both inside and outside. He has a very stable temperament and loves everyone. Let’s see what his future brings. He develops nicely and maybe one day he can pass his rare genes to future generations..


GaiAlmas Pippilotta

born: 07.10.2020
HD-A, ED-0, Heart: OK (4/2023)
Alma vom Irschener Winkel x Yukon Perasperaadastra

Pippilotta (called “Cookie”) is the little golden wonder from Alma’s first litter. It was clear that her father carries fawn, but her mother’s fawn was hidden over more than 8 generations! Cookie has a beautiful intense color, dark mask and only little white. She also has a fantastic temperament and is always happy. Cookie can bring urgently necessary new blood to the fawn/brindle color group and is the mother of my Odin’s Ravens Litter.

GaiAlmas Emil

born: 07.10.2020
not health-tested yet
Alma vom Irschener Winkel x Yukon Perasperaadastra

Emil (called “Steinar”) is a well-balanced black male from Alma’s first litter. He is already quite mature for his age, both physically and mentally. A true gentle giant, very sovereign and friendly to everyone. He will be health-tested in 2023 and if he is fit for breeding he will be available for a very limited number of approved bitches. If you are interested in using him let me know!

GaiAlmas Munin

born: 27.12.2023
not health-tested yet
GaiAlmas Pippilotta x Catapha’s Legacy of Atomic

Munin is the girl from my Odin’s Ravens litter and lives with a co-owner. She is a happy and outgoing girl with a promising anatomy. If she develops well I might have a litter with her in 2-3 years.