In Memory

Jättiläisen Gaia

born: 04.05.2014
died: 09.01.2024 (mammatumor)
HD-A, ED-0, Spine: OK, Heart: OK (4/2023)
Jättiläisen Bouvardia Albiflora x Jättiläisen Vipunen

Gaia was my first female and I imported her from Finland. She was a tall and strong girl, both physically and mentally, and had the beautiful color merle mantle. Even as a senior Gaia was the unquestioned matriarch and leader of my pack. She is the foundation bitch of my breeding program and will live on in her children, grand children and great grand children and hopefully many more generations to come. I had to euthanize her at the age of 9,7 years because of a mammatumor.

Ludwig (Ulysses Licht des Nordens)

born: 24.06.2007
died: 26.07.2016 (DCM)
Odette Licht des Nordens x Phönix Licht des Nordens

Ludwig was my first great dane. He was a rather small, but well-balanced male. His temperament was not the easiest, he was quite insecure and didn’t like strangers at all. I learned a lot about dog behaviour and training by working with him. He helped me later to educate little Gaia and had two wonderful years with her until I had to put him asleep due to DCM at the age of 9 years. He was never used for breeding.

Björk vom Irschener Winkel (Milu)

born: 27.02.2019
died: 26.08.2019 (Parvovirose)
Jättiläisen Gaia x Adamo von Cosa Nostra

Milu was from my B-litter and since I couldn’t keep her she lived with a friend and I co-owned her. She was a promising harlequin girl with a lovely character. Unfortunately she died at the age of only 6 months because of Parvovirose, although she was of course vaccinated. But in Berlin – where she lived – so many sick dogs are imported from puppy mills in eastern Europe, that the infection pressure is very high and this innocent little girl had to pay the price.